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Buying Low-Priced Construction Insurance Can End Up Costing You A Fortune!

How Much Are Your Insurance Savings
Actually Costing You?

What’s wrong with looking at insurance by premium costs alone? They’re only part of your real total cost. If you buy coverage by the lowest price, you could be taking the biggest risk your business has ever faced. Ask yourself this: What if by choosing cheap insurance you’ve also chosen inadequate coverage or poor claims management or weak safety practices? Worst of all, what if you pay all that money and you have an uncovered business-threatening claim?

If you solely focus on your insurance premiums, you miss a tidal wave of other costs: your Total Cost of Risk (TCOR). It can be two to ten times the direct cost of your insurance premiums.

The insurance policy selling system hasn’t changed in over 50 years. The system is broken. (Read about it in Broke). We’re all about how to fix it. We’re Risk Advisors, not insurance agents. We believe in managing your TCOR, not just providing cheap insurance. Our company is leading a revolution that’s shaking traditional insurance to its foundations.

Want a peek at just a few of your hidden costs? Brace yourself.

A partial breakdown of hidden costs when an employee is injured or your vehicles or operations cause an injury to others:

Direct costs, such as:

  • Production decrease or downtime
  • Overtime required
  • Self insurance deductibles and coverage gaps
  • Cost to retrain or hire replacements
  • Employer-paid medical costs
  • OSHA fines

Indirect costs, such as:

  • Employee or vendor turnover
  • Time spent with adjusters and attorneys or going to hearings
  • Senior Management time discussing & managing claim
  • Loss of future work because insurance costs skyrocket
  • Loss of reputation with insurance carriers and/or owners/GCs
  • Loss of morale

Preventive costs, such as:

  • Specialized safety training
  • Supervisor safety training, OSHA 10/30 hour courses
  • OSHA preventive compliance
  • Legal expenses
  • Equipment maintenance and repair for safety
  • Facility capital improvements for safety



litchfield insurance groupConstruction Risk Advisors is a division of The Litchfield Insurance Group.  If you like our innovative style of risk management, we can apply it to many other businesses.  Check out our other site at