What We Do
Risk Advisors not Insurance Agents
Risk Profile Maximization
Safety, Not Just Insurance
Total Cost of Risk: What is it?
TCOR Chart
How We Do It
Safety is the best Risk Management
Partnership: Long Term
Group Captive Insurance
TCOR-Total Cost of Risk
Why Hire Us
Connecticut Construction Risk Specialist
Is 150 Years Enough Experience?
Performance-Based Fee
New Buying Criteria
Contractor Testimonials
Bob's Book
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Risk Advisor or Insurance Agent?
Ask a Risk Advisor
Comprehensive risk survey of all operations by trained risk management expert
Compliance audit of all subcontractor certificates of insurance
Review bid specs and advise accordingly
Operational risk survey
Calculate lowest possible EMR and create plan to achieve it
Estimate and analyze your Experience Mod Rate (EMR) for the next rating period
Safety training of all types
Provide regular educational seminars/webinars on risk management topics of importance
Design & implement annual Risk Reduction plans
Rewrite insurance/indemnification sections of construction contracts
Review all open workers’ comp claims & create plan to settle at lowest level possible
Feasibility study for captive or other alternative risk transfer/loss responsive program
Seminar for project managers on Contractual Risk transfer
Seminar for all supervisors on the financial impact of workers’ comp claims
Sexual harassment training
Evaluation of HR policy and procedures to comply with state and federal laws
OSHA safety audit of construction sites
Audit, update, and revision of safety manual
Audit, update, and revision of employee manual
Assessment and recommendation to improve return to work methods
Train HR staff in proper administration of FMLA and ADA
Specialized safety training (lockout/tag out, confined space, HAZCOMM, OSHA 10, etc.)
Train Supervisors in proper accident investigation techniques
Coordinate return to work program with primary occupational med clinic doctors
Train & assist your return to work coordinator
Conduct audit of current safety program
Provide legal hotline for complex HR legal issues
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